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Week 5: Beurre de Cacahuète

Yesterday my friend and I decided we wanted to do a dope hike. We had nothing going on all day so we wanted to go all in (mistake #1). She has a map of all the trails accessible by public transportation so we grabbed a friend, packed a lunch, and got on a bus.

We struggled from the get go. We could not find trail head. But with the power of three minds and wondering around a small village in the mountain for 15 minutes we found our way. After just 5 minutes of being on the hike we knew that this may have been a mistake. The incline started out gradual. But every time we hit a minor plateau it just kept getting steeper. And steeper. And steeper. We would come to a fork in the trail and every time ours was the steeper one. As we increased elevation snow became more prominent on the trail. With snow comes ice. So we were sliding up a steep incline in hiking boots on ice. Nevertheless we persisted. I have to say the view was worth it...but let's not talk about trying to come back down. And then the two hour wait for a bus at a cafe where I got yelled at for eating my sandwich. It did not go smoothly or was anything like that we thought but 10/10 would do again. When traveling or exploring new places (especially in a different language) things never go as planned. But when you are patient and with the right people it will be fun no matter what.

Views from the top:

View on the way up:

We were distracted by a dog :)

Friday night we took in one of the more popular sports here in Grenoble: Ice Hockey. It was on Valentines day and the stadium was packed. Grenoble won! They had a comeback and were able to pull out the win at the end.

On Wednesday night we had a host family reception. It was a time for all the host families for students this semester to get together and talk. I was nervous it would have an awkward "bring your parents to school" vibe but I had a great time! I finally got to meet my friend's host parents and get to put faces to the people I hear so much about. On the way home my host mom came up to me and asked if I missed peanut butter. She had been talking to another host mom who hosted Americans a lot and she said that usually after a month they start missing peanut butter (the French word for peanut butter is so fun to say: beurre de cachuète). I have never been a huge fan of peanut butter so I told her I was good. She asked if there was any food that i was missing. Mexican food. Some enchiladas and spanish rice would slap right now. So I found a recipe for vegetable enchiladas and we are making them together tonight. I am a little nervous how they will turn out because in France they weigh everything and don't use measuring cups or spoons, and they don't have the same ingredients that I would normally use. But here's hoping. I will keep you updated.

Sauri loves a nice stomach rub


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